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Shipping Policy


Currently we ship only to the UK due to the international restrictions on wood crossing country borders. For certain specialist pieces, we will strive to go the extra lengths but this is not possible for many items in the store.


Most orders are shipped and prepared within 3-5 business days and will be transported to you via a reputable courier service. P&P prices generally cost £2.50 for tiny carvings in bits and bobs. Otherwise it will be £4.50 for a small, £5.50 for a medium and the largest pieces may cost a little more depending on weight. We aim to keep shipping prices as low as possible to keep the whole process affordable.

On orders over £75, all small and medium products will be shipped free of charge, however larger items will still incur shipping costs. 

Please keep in mind that as a small business, these prices are subject to change with the economy.

Returns Policy


Although we have not yet had someone dissatisfied with a product from the store, if the product is damaged or you are dissatisfied with it, we pride ourselves on having a straightforward process to return it. Please contact us via the contact page and make sure to state 'Return' in the message heading. From here I will get back to you personally, first confirming proof of purchase and the reason for your return.You will have to post the item back to us.   

As each item in the store is hand crafted to the artists or commissioner's vision, we are confident that you will be happy 9.99 times out of 10. 

Payment Methods


Credit / Debit Cards

We are working to expand the payment options but currently can only accept the common UK cards.

Environmental Policy


We are committed to accelerating the move to a sustainable, low carbon economy and to reduce and ultimately eliminate the impact to the environment from our operations. We work with naturally fallen wood and never damage living trees. 

We are committed to promoting environmental conservation, woodland conservation, energy conservation and similar values. We will assess the environmental impacts of all areas of the business and will set objectives and targets with annual reviews to improve environmental performance. We aim to choose couriers committed to their own environmental improvement plans to deliver to customers. We encourage all key stakeholders to commit to improving environmental performance. We will reduce our organisations use of energy, water and minimise waste by reduction, re-use and recycling methods where possible. We will also aim to plant several trees a year to give back to the environment from which we take our resources. 

Anti Bribery Policy


It is our policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships.


Any stakeholder who breaches this policy will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for gross misconduct. Any non-employee who breaches this policy may have their contract terminated with immediate effect.

Specifically, stakeholders must not:

(a)        give or offer any payment, gift, hospitality or other benefit in the expectation that a business advantage will be received in return, or to reward any business received;

(b)        accept any offer from a third party that you know or suspect is made with the expectation that we will provide a business advantage for them or anyone else;

(c)         give or offer any payment (sometimes called a facilitation payment) to a government official in any country to facilitate or speed up a routine or necessary procedure;


You must not threaten or retaliate against another person who has refused to offer or accept a bribe or who has raised concerns about possible bribery or corruption.

 This policy does not prohibit the giving or accepting of reasonable and appropriate hospitality for legitimate purposes such as building relationships, maintaining our image or reputation, or marketing our products and services.


 A gift or hospitality will not be appropriate if it is unduly lavish or extravagant, or could be seen as an inducement or reward for any preferential treatment.

Moden Slavey Policy


Slavery, child labour and human trafficking are serious crimes and a violation of fundamental human rights. There are various forms of this ‘Modern Slavery’ which deprives victims of their liberty and usually involves financial exploitation.

We conduct our business fairly, ethically and with respect to fundamental human rights. We are fully committed to the prevention of all forms of slavery, forced labour or servitude, child labour and human-trafficking, both in our business and in our supply chains. We will not tolerate it. If any member of the supply chain is found to be conducting this abhorrent activity, termination of agreements and contracts will follow immediately.

Equality Policy


We are committed to an ongoing programme of equal employment and non-discrimination for all and comply with all relevant obligations under the Equality Act 2010.

Currently the company is not in a state of requiring employees however should this change, we will provide equal employment opportunities in accordance with the developments in the field of race relations, age, sex equality, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, disability, marriage and civil partnership and the legislation to protect against discrimination in employment. 

All job applicants, employees and workers will be made aware of this policy and a copy of the policy will be made available to all employees on joining the business. Customers/clients may also be made aware.

We take a strict approach to breaches of this policy, which will be dealt with in accordance with our Disciplinary Procedure. Serious cases of deliberate discrimination may amount to gross misconduct resulting in dismissal.

If you believe that you have suffered discrimination you must raise your concerns with the director. Complaints will be treated in confidence and investigated as appropriate.

There must be no victimisation or retaliation against staff who complain about discrimination. However, making a false allegation deliberately and in bad faith will be treated as misconduct and dealt with under our Disciplinary Procedure



  • Are some of the carvings done on green wood?
    Most of the wood is collected from either windfall or branches that have just fallen. Also I am occassionally gifted wood. Due to this reason it is difficult to know how dry the wood will be. Some carvings will crack over time. It's a natural state of the wood.
  • I want you to carve this redwood (or similar), can I send you a piece from my country?
    As much as the artists loves carving new woods and fulfilling these types of requests, it is not always possible due to strict border laws. It is a hugely complex process to ship wood to and from the United States and Canada, we are working on this currently but if you are patient and dont mind covering some of the costs then please do not hesitate to get into contact. Currently it is impossible for this type or request to be fulfilled if you live in Australia; there is an absolute zero tolerance to foreign wood being allowed into Australia.
  • Are you open to sponsorships? I am a brand looking to work with small creators.
    We are always open to working with brands and would be more than happy to discuss this further with you. Please contact the artist and either he or his brand manager will be in touch soon.
  • Will the carving split or have wood worm?
    The carvings may split if you have central heating on high or if the carving is placed near a heat source. Don't worry though, this just adds to the character of the carving. One or two of the oldest the artist has created have split while sat near fireplaces and look awesome. The carvings are free of woodworm as the artist makes sure to not carve infected wood. If you live in an older property or store the carving outside then there is a potential for the carving to gain wood worm as would be expected of any wooden product.
  • I am looking to collaborate with you, are you interested?
    Thank you for your interest. The artist is always interested in hearing collaboration propositions. Send us a message and we can discuss this further.
  • As the candle holders are made of wood, will they not catch fire?
    There is always an element of risk when it comes to candles, never leave them unattended in a room and never leave them within reach of children. Please make sure your candle is on a flat surface and is not able to fall over while lit. Due to some candle holders being smaller, it is advisable to use teatree candles on these. The larger carvings can cope with larger types of candle.
  • Do the carvings have waterproof coating on?
    Yes, the carving itself will always have a waterproof coating on. If you would like the entire piece coating in then please do ask us. The coating is non-toxic but please do not try to injest the coating, if this occurs it is recommended to see a GP.
  • I'm a budding artist, can I use your work for inspiration?
    It is always a pleasure to hear more people are picking up the wood carving bug, and it would be an honour to be a source of inspiration for your own work. The artist only asks that you credit his work and put your own unique spin on any 'similar' products you intend to sell.
  • Can I request certain wood?
    Yes, you may make requests for types of wood. Although it is not a guarantee that the type you are looking for could be sourced. If you have wood you would like to send the artist to carve, please do get in touch and the logistics can be arranged.
  • What wood do you use?
    A variety of woods. It depends on what is available at the time and what is dry enough to use. The artist tends to prefer UK native woods but anything that has grown and naturally fallen on UK soils will be used. If you have a specific type of wood you would like to request, please do get in contact.
  • How do I clean my carving?
    It will depend on what has got on to the carving. Everything in the store will have been treated and protected by a waterproof coating over the carved area of wood. This area can be wiped with a damp cloth or alcohol free wet wipes. It is very unadvisable to rinse the carving under water. Please note we take no responsibility for damage caused to the carving after it leaves our office. However, we can offer tips on cleaning and preserving it if you contact the artist directly.
  • I live locally, can I come and pick it up to avoid shipping fees?
    We do not have a physical store currently but the artist is always happy to meet locals and those in the area for a shipping free transaction.
  • I want to return my item. Do I need to pay my own postage?
    We are very sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with your product. Please contact us either on the form or via email with proof of purchase and the reason you are not happy. We do ask that you pay the postage back to us but in return we will grant you a full refund of the initial price if the product is not up to standard.
  • How long does it take to ship an item?
    Although we aim for 3-5 days via first class postage, there may be industrial action, weather or holiday delays so it is always best to check the major postage service websites and met office first. Please note Christmas, Black Friday and other major public holidays may cause the postal service to slow down.
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